
语言教学 | 国外老师做的英语教学图片,超实用!


珍品收藏 | 2018-2019 TED视频合集

A picture paints a thousand words, it's true, and pictures are a great way of improving your English, especially if you are a visual learner. So, use pictures to learn vocabulary, and grammar. Don't just look at pictures, think about them. Discuss them. See if you can discribe what's happening in them, and name everything in them.

Visit photo blogs and read the descriptions you will find there. You can join a photo sharing site and share your own pictures and access thousands of photographs. The Learn English Network is on Flickr, with Flickr you can leave notes on other people's pictures and enter into discussions with people all round the world about their photographs. It's a great social experience, and a nice way of getting to know people. You can apply to join the Learn English Flickr group too (forum rules apply), where you can share your own pictures or just look at ours.

There are other photo sharing sites, like Picassa, Photobucket, Shutterfly and Snapfish, and you can share pictures on the forum or on Facebook. Just make sure they are pictures you would be proud to show your grandmother.

English grammar is the way in which meanings are encoded into wordings in the English language. This includes the structure of words, phrases, clauses, and sentences, right up to the structure of whole texts.


Like any language, English varies by region and by country. It also evolves and changes over time. While there is no governing board for English language standards, scholars have established “Standard English” for use in formal writing and speaking. This standard includes accepted rules for grammar, vocabulary, and spelling …








